The major emphasis of Natural Products Chemistry Group, since its inception, has been on chemical investigation of selected traditionally reputed medicinal plants of the northeastern region of India for drugs, pest management agents and nutraceuticals. This department during last three decades of its existence has investigated a large number of plants and isolated a quite a few interesting molecules of different class having novel structures and published ~ 400 research papers in peer reviewed national and international journals. The department has filed a sizeable number of patents and developed several technologies and transferred to private industries, as well. The technology for chirally pure arteether has recognition from Third World Network of Scientific Organization (TWNSO), TWAS, Italy. The technology for Arteether, Artemether and Artesunate has been transferred to M/s FDC Ltd. Munbai for commercial exploitation. In the recent past, this department played a key role in developing two herbal drugs: one for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and one for fungal infection in collaboration with Medicinal Aromatic and Economic Plants Group, Clinical Centre and Prof. Samir Bhattacharya’s group in Visva Bharati Santiniketan. Natural Products Chemistry Group also participated in important CSIR projects as well as several network projects since its inception; thereby the scientists of this department acquired unique expertise in this area. The scientists of this department bagged several awards and recognitions and also became known nationally and internationally. This department has established collaboration with few premier institutes within and outside the institute in selected areas to address the issue meaningfully, as well. The Group has gained expertise in the following aspects of Natural Products Chemistry:
- Value addition to natural products through chemical/ microbiological routes.
- Stereo selective total synthesis of biologically active natural products.
- Technology development for drugs/drug intermediates.
- Nutraceuticals & Functional food
- Plant based pest control agents
- Phytochemical analysis service to entrepreneurs and medicinal plant farmers
- Herbal drug development
Head of the Division

M Phil, Ph D (Organic chemistry)
Principal Scientist
ID. No. 1051
archanamoni@neist.res.in, amd_das2001@yahoo.co.in
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn. 2364 Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Organic Chemistry

Ph.D. (Medicinal Chemistry)
Principal Scientist
ID. No. 1301
drrkrawal@neist.res.in, rawal.ravindra@gmail.com
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn. 2362 Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Medicinal Chemistry, Natural Product Chemistry, Natural Product-Based Drug Discovery and Development, Metabolomics of Medicinal Plants, Bioprospecting of Medicinal Plants, Pharmacological investigation of Immunomodulation,Cancer, Neurodegenerative Diseases and Metabolic Disorders, Scientific Validation of Traditional Medicinal Plants, and Herbal Formulations.

Ph D
Principal Scientist
ID. No. 1178
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn. 2364 Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Organic Chemistry

Ph.D. (Organic Total Synthesis of Bioactive Natural Products)
Senior Scientist
ID. No. 1265
Ph : 0376 237 0121(Ext. 2382) FAX: 0376 237 0011, E-mail: subrata@neist.res.in, ocsgin@gmail.com
Area’s of Interest : Organic Synthesis, Total Synthesis of Natural Products, Supramolecular Drug Discovery, Molecular Recognition & Self-assembly, Pharmacology of Cancer, Alzheimer’s and related Neurodegenerative diseases
Personal web site

Ph.D., Post Doctoral Fellow, Ben Gurion University, Israel
Sr. Scientist(Pharmacology)
ID. No. 1278
rbaishya@neist.res.in, rinku.niper@gmail.com
Ph : 9874492416, Fax: 0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Screening of Natural and Synthetic compounds for Pharmacological Activity, Formulation of herbal drugs and evaluate its safety, efficacy and preparation of dosage form, Development of peptide conjugated drug delivery system, Studying application and development of effective long-term delivery systems for anti-cancer drugs, growth factors, gene therapy agents, vaccines, etc., Development of animal models in mice and rats, Imaging and biodistribution studies

Ph.D. (Prof. Ramana’s LaboratoryCSIR-NCL, Pune, India)
Postdoc (Prof. Alex Szpilman’s LaboratoryAriel University, Israel)
ID. No. 1307
atulmore@neist.res.in, atulmore1@gmail.com
Area’s of Interest : Total Synthesis, Carbohydrate Chemistry, Transition Metal Catalysis

ID. No. 1343
srinivas@neist.res.in, ambalasrinivas2512@gmail.com
Area’s of Interest : • Natural Product Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Total Synthesis of Natural Products, and Development of new Synthetic methodologies.
Technical Staff

B.Sc, BEd.
Technician (1)
ID. No. 1145
rborah277@gmail.com, rumiborah@neist.res.in
Ph : 03762371283(O) Extn: 2521 Fax:0376-237001