Cellulose Pulp and Paper Group of CSIR-NEIST is the only laboratory in the whole CSIR carrying out R&D on cellulose, pulp, paper, board and natural fibres. The major R&D area of this Group is utilization of natural resources of North- Eastern region of India for value added process and product development. Based on naturally available biomass of this region a number of technologies have already been developed and some of them have been transferred to different places of the country. The technology developed e.g.; Carbonless copypaper, Thermographic paper, Direct copypaper, ECG paper brought name and fame to this institute. Handmade paper, paper slate, plastic slate, particle boards, gummed paper, gum paste are some of the rural/cottage scale technology developed by this Group. A number of prestigious awards like FICCI award, NRDC award, Invention promotion award, Dr. PC Goswami award have been received by this Group.
Cellulose Pulp and Paper Group of CSIR-NEIST is the only laboratory in the whole CSIR carrying out R&D on cellulose, pulp, paper, board and natural fibres. The major R&D area of this Group is utilization of natural resources of North- Eastern region of India for value added process and product development. Based on naturally available biomass of this region a number of technologies have already been developed and some of them have been transferred to different places of the country. The technology developed e.g.; Carbonless copypaper, Thermographic paper, Direct copypaper, ECG paper brought name and fame to this institute. Handmade paper, paper slate, plastic slate, particle boards, gummed paper, gum paste are some of the rural/cottage scale technology developed by this Group. A number of prestigious awards like FICCI award, NRDC award, Invention promotion award, Dr. PC Goswami award have been received by this Group.
Present Area of Research
At present CPP Group is actively working on application of microbes and microbial enzyme in pulping and bleaching processes for reduction of environmental pollution in pulp and paper industry. The work is being carried out under CSIR-Network project of 12 FYP; CSIR-NEIST is working as Nodal laboratory. Five CSIR labs - CSIR-CLRI, CSIR-CSMCRI, CSIR-NIIST, CSIR-IMMT, and CSIR-IMTECH are participating in this project. Also this Group is actively engaged in an another important project “ZERIS” with CSIR-CLRI on utilization of leather waste material for value added product. In addition to that a number of grant-in-aid projects funded by different agencies like Coir-Board, DST and Private Agency are going on in this Group.
In recent years the technologies e.g.; low dust technology, liquid deodorant cleaner and banana fibre have become very much popular among the common people and these technologies have been transferred in the country and abroad (Sri Lanka). In case of societal activities CPP Group has been playing a major role by organising seminar, workshop, training programme time-to-time in different places to attract the young entrepreneurs and for skill development and entrepreneurship in the region.
In recent years the technologies e.g.; low dust technology, liquid deodorant cleaner and banana fibre have become very much popular among the common people and these technologies have been transferred in the country and abroad (Sri Lanka). In case of societal activities CPP Group has been playing a major role by organising seminar, workshop, training programme time-to-time in different places to attract the young entrepreneurs and for skill development and entrepreneurship in the region.
Group Leader

Ph D (Agriculture)
Sr Scientist
ID. No. 1059
dipulkalita@neist.res.in, dipkalita_2001@yahoo.co.in
Ph : + 0376-237011/2370139 extn 2426Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Cellulose pulp & paper, Fiber technology, Building material

B.E.(Chemical), M.Tech.(Chemical) NIT DGP,
Sr. Scientist
ID. No. 1258
pmajumder@neist.res.in, parjum@yahoo.com
Ph : + 0376-237011/2370139 extn 2426Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Pulp & paper, Waste paper recycling, Chemical modification of wood, Substitute of wood from agro waste, non timber forest products etc.
Technical Officers

ID. No. 1147
Ph : Ph : + 0376-237011/2370139 extn 2426 Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Area’s of Interest : Cellulose pulp & paper