The Applied Civil Engineering Group of CSIR – North East Institute of Science & Technology (Formerly RRL-Jorhat) is committed to research & development, technical consultancy, testing and evaluation of building and road materials. The main areas of research include geotechnical and transportation engineering and have expertise in geo-technical and transportation engineering. This group is presently involved in R&D work for stabilization of Brahmaputra river bed materials for use in road construction and modular brick for building structures. The group is also involved in seismic vulnerability and risk assessment of buildings of major cities in NE India. The group also renders technical consultancy services for soil investigation and evaluation of roads, and testing and evaluation services for road & building materials including soil, cement, concrete, aggregates, brick and other construction materials. The department had contributed towards R&D activities in development of ferro-cement products, low cost housing techniques, light roofing sheets, water filter candles from paddy husk and also in the sector of structural engineering. Over the years, Applied Civil Engineering Group provided technical consultancy services in the field of civil engineering for soil investigation and road evaluation to many organizations in the north east particularly in the sector of construction, testing and evaluation for quality control of materials.
The Applied Civil Engineering Group of CSIR – North East Institute of Science & Technology (Formerly RRL-Jorhat) is committed to research & development, technical consultancy, testing and evaluation of building and road materials. The main areas of research include geotechnical and transportation engineering and have expertise in geo-technical and transportation engineering. This group is presently involved in R&D work for stabilization of Brahmaputra river bed materials for use in road construction and modular brick for building structures. The group is also involved in seismic vulnerability and risk assessment of buildings of major cities in NE India. The group also renders technical consultancy services for soil investigation and evaluation of roads, and testing and evaluation services for road & building materials including soil, cement, concrete, aggregates, brick and other construction materials. The department had contributed towards R&D activities in development of ferro-cement products, low cost housing techniques, light roofing sheets, water filter candles from paddy husk and also in the sector of structural engineering. Over the years, Applied Civil Engineering Group provided technical consultancy services in the field of civil engineering for soil investigation and road evaluation to many organizations in the north east particularly in the sector of construction, testing and evaluation for quality control of materials.
Group Leader

PhD in Transportation Engineering - Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Senior Principal Scientist & Group Leader
ID. No. 1176
sanjaydeori@neist.res.in , sanjaydeoricrri@gmail.com
Ph : + 91-0376-2370121 Ext. 2375 Fax:0376-2370011, 9435492149 (Mobile)
Area’s of Interest : Highway Engineering & Materials, Geo-Technical Engineering

B Tech (Civil engg), M.Tech(Geotechnical Engg)
Principal Scientist
ID. No. 1028
dast@neist.res.in, dastapas36@yahoo.co.in
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn 2377 Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Geotechnical engineering, Building materials, Project management

BE (Civil Engg.), ME (Geotechnical Engg)
Principal Scientist
ID. No. 1062
basumatarid@neist.res.in, dipakbasu2006@rediffmail.com
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn 2375 Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Geotechnical investigation & Safe and economical design of foundation, Testing of various building & road materials.

Ph.D. (Structural Engineering) – Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai
ID. No. 1274
leonraj.civil@gmail.com, leonraj@neist.res.in
Ph : 9487607151
Area’s of Interest : Design and analysis of concrete structures, Design of prefabricatedstructures, Earthquake resistant design of buildings
Technical Officers

BE(Civil Engg.)& MTech (Water Resource)
Senior Technical Officer (1)
ID. No. 1138
Ph : +91 0376 2370121 extn 2377 Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Area’s of Interest : Civil Engineering

BE (Civil Engg) , MTech (Water Resources Engg & Management), IIT Guwahati.
Senior Technical Officer (1)
ID. No. 1140
Fax : +91 0376 2370121 extn: 2377 Fax: +91-0376 237001
Email: rajibdas@neist.res.in, rajib.d12@gmail.com
Area’s of Interest : Civil & Water Resources Engineering

Diploma, B.E.(Civil Engineering)
Senior Technical Officer (1)
ID. No. 1139
Ph : + 91-0360-2244220 / Fax : 0360- 2244220
Area’s of Interest : Civil Engineering.