Name | : | Dr. Dipanwita Banik |
Designation | : | Pr Scientist |
Qualification | : | Ph.D.in Botany |
Contact Details | : | Information & Business Development Division, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat – 785006, Assam. Mobile: +91-9957565636 |
Email id | : | banikdipanwita@yahoo.com, dipanwitabanik@neist.res.in |

Research Interest
- Plant Taxonomy, taxonomic revisions, ethno-botany, specific taxa viz., Agapetes, Vaccinioideae, Ericaceae, Myristicaceae, Amaryllidaceae and Bamboos.
- 1. “A study on Taxonomy and Ethno-botany with an emphasis to biochemical parameters of the family Myristicaceae R. Br. in North East India” funded by SERB, DST for 3 years May 2012- May 2015 of 16.16L (Principal Investigator).
- 2. “Assessment of Genetic Diversity in a few Important Ethno-Medicinal and Endemic species from North East India in Exploratory manner using Molecular Markers” funded by CSIR for 5 Years April 2012-April 2017 (Co- Principal Investigator).
- 3. Identification of bioactive compound from medicinal plants effective against multi drug resistant Escherichia coli (Co-Principal Investigator).
- 4. Natural products as Affordable Healthcare Agents (member).
- 5. New initiative to boost agriculture productivity through maximizing pre and post –harvest yields (member).
List of Publications (Most Recent Ten)
Total No. of Publications: 11
- 1. Singh, K.P. & D. Banik In: Sinha, G.P., Singha, D.K. & K.P. Singh (ed.). 2012. Vacciniaceae. Fl. Mizoram 2: 11 – 16, Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata. ISBN: 81-8177-048-X, ISBN13: 978-81-8177-048-6.
- 2. Banik, D. In G. Maity & S.K. Mukherjee (ed.) 2012. A Note on Agapetes atrosanguinea Airy Shaw: An endemic species in India. Multidisciplinary Approaches in Angiosperm Systematics. 2: 517-519. University of Kalyani, W.B. ISBN: 978-93-5067-867-1.
- 3. Banik, D. 2009. In: Sanjappa, M. & P. Singh (ed.). ‘Agapetes’ in Plant Discoveries 2008. Botanical Survey of India, Deep Printers, New Delhi: 61 – 62.
- 4. Banik, D. & M. Sanjappa. 2008. Notes on identity of some Indian species of Agapetes D.Don ex G. Don (Ericaceae) Nordic Journal of Botany. 26: 4 – 9.
- 5. Banik, D. & M. Sanjappa. 2008. New record of Agapetes D. Don ex G. Don (Ericaceae) species from India. Journal of Japanese Botany 83 (2): 96 – 105.
- 6. Banik, D. & M. Sanjappa. 2007. Five New Varieties of Agapetes (Ericaceae) from India. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 1 (2): 903 – 912.
- 7. Banik, D. & M. Sanjappa. 2007. Three New Species of Agapetes D. Don ex G. Don (Ericaceae) from India. Edinburgh Journal of Botany 64 (3): 335 – 342.
- 8. Banik, D. & P. Bujarbarua 2005. Lichens on Agapetes D. Don ex G. Don (Ericaceae) in India Bull. Bot. Surv. India 47( 1 – 4 ): 59 – 62.
- 9. Banik, D., A. Sharma & J. Muthu 2003. Agapetes neriifolia ( King & Prain) Airy Shaw var. minor ( King & Prain ) Airy Shaw --- A new record for India. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 45 ( 1 – 4 ): 213 – 216.
- 10.Banik, D. 2003. Re-Collection of Agapetes mitrarioides Hook.f. ex C.B.Clarke ( Ericaceae) from Arunachal Pradesh, India. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 45 (1 – 4): 209 – 212.
Awards and Fellowships
- KS Manilal Award for the year 2009 for the best paper presentation in Floristics (including new taxa/ new reports) on ‘Diversity of the genus Agapetes D.Don ex G.Don (Ericaceae) in India’ in XIX Annual Conf. of IAAT and International Symp. on Angiosperm Systematics Phylogeny : Retrospect Prospects, held at NBRI, Lucknow during 12-14 Nov, 2009.