Designation | : | Scientist |
Qualification | : | Ph.D. |
Contact Details | : | +91-9435096977 |
Email id | : | spsaikia@gmail.com |

Research Interest
- 1. Plant Physiology 2. Biofuels 3. Nitrogen fixation with non-legumes
- DPR for the proposed composite forest farmimg at Tirap, Arunachal Pradesh (Principal Investigator) 2013 2014 (Ongoing) Consultancy Project
- S&T interventions to combat malnutrition in women and children.(Principal Investigator) 2013 2016 (Ongoing) CSIR 12th FYP Network Project, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi
- Studies on drought resistance strategy in seedlings of Teak (Tectona grandis) species and selection of improved genotype for forest management.(Principal Investigator) 2012 2015 (Ongoing) Department of Biotechnology (DBT), New Delhi
- Comparative studies on the Physiological and Biochemical aspects of adaptation and productivity in Camelina sativa L. in different biogeographic regions.(Principal Investigator) 2012 2014 (Ongoing) CSIR, India/CNR, Italy
- Selection of Jatropha curcas L. accessions capable of stable and high yield oil production for renewable fuels.(Principal Investigator) 2009 2011 (Completed) CSIR, India/CNR, Italy
- Rural Development through Aromatic Plants and Mushroom and their Processing in North East India (Co-Investigator) 2008 2012 (Completed) Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi.
- Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in non-legume Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt. (Principal Investigator) 2008 2011 (Completed) Fast Track Project for Young Scientist, Department of Science & Technology (DST), New Delhi
- Genetic Improvement of Jatropha curcas for adaptability and oil yield (Principal Investigator) 2006 2012 (Completed) New Millennium Indian Technology Leadership Initiative Project, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi
List of Publications (Most Recent Ten)
Total No. of Publications: 25 (SCI Journals)
- Siddhartha Proteem Saikia*, Adrita Goswami, Kalpataru Dutta Mudoi, Animesh Gogoi, Rumi Kotoky, Himangshu Lekhak and Nabanita Handique (2014). Effect of 2,4-D treatment and Azospirillum inoculation on growth of Cymbopogon winterianus. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 8(9): 955-960.
- S. P. Saikia*, S. Mapelli, P. Pecchia, K. D. Mudoi and A. Gogoi (2014). Non-food oilseed plant as an alternative resource for biofuel production. In: Climate Change and Himalaya (eds. J. Sundaresan et al.), Scientific Publishers, India, pp. 94-117.
- Kalpataru Dutta Mudoi, Siddhartha Proteem Saikia*, Adrita Goswami, Animesh Gogoi, Debashish Bora and Mina Borthakur (2013). Micropropagation of important bamboos: A review. African Journal of Biotechnology, 12(20): 2770-2785.
- S. P. Saikia*, A. Gogoi, K. D. Mudoi, A. Goswami and D. Bora (2012). Assessment of the Potential of Jatropha curcas for Energy Production and Other Uses. In: Jatropha, Challenges for a New Energy Crop: Volume 1: Farming, Economics and Biofuel (eds. N. Carels et al.), Springer Science, New York, pp. 299-310.
- B. Singh, K. Singh, G. Rejeshwar Rao, J. Chikara, D. Kumar, D. K. Mishra, S. P. Saikia, U. V. Pathre, N. Raghuvanshi, T. S. Rahi, R. Tuli (2013). Agro-technology of Jatropha curcas for diverse environmental conditions in India. Biomass and Bioenergy, 48: 191-202.
- S. P. Saikia*, D. Bora, A. Goswami, K. D. Mudoi and A. Gogoi (2012). A review on the role of Azospirillum in the yield improvement of non-leguminous crops. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 6(6): 1085-1102.
- S. P. Saikia*, S. P. Dutta, A. Goswami, B. S. Bhau and P. B. Kanjilal (2010). Role of Azospirillum in the improvement of legumes. In: Microbes for Legume Improvement (eds. M. S. Khan et al.), Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 389-408.
- S. P. Saikia*, B. S. Bhau, A. Rabha, S. P. Dutta, R. K. Choudhury, M. Chutia, B. P. Mishra and P. B. Kanjilal (2009). Study of accession source variation in morpho-physiological parameter and growth performance of Jatropha curcas Linn. Current Science, 96 (12): 1631-1636.
- B. S. Bhau, K. Medhi, T. Sarkar and S. P. Saikia (2009). PCR based molecular characterization of Nepenthes khasiana Hook. f. – pitcher plant. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 56 (8): 1183-1193.
- B. S. Bhau, K. Medhi, A. P. Das, S. P. Saikia, K. Neog and S. N. Choudhury (2009). Analysis of genetic diversity of Persea bombycina “Som” using RAPD-based molecular markers. Biochemical Genetics, 47: 486-497.
Awards and Fellowships
- SARC Distinguished Scientist Award 2011 National Scientific and Applied Research Center, Chaudhury Charan Singh University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh
- Fast Track Young Scientists Award 2008 National Department of Science & Technology, India
- Travel Grant Award – To attend the “3rd Global Summit on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (GOSMAP-3)”, Chiang Mai, Thailand 2007 International Department of Science & Technology, India and Indian National Science Academy, India
- Travel Grant Award – To attend the “9th International Symposium on Nitrogen Fixation with Non-Legumes”, Leuven, Belgium 2002 International Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, India.
- Fellowship for Post Graduate studies 1995 National Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi; Gold Medal for standing first in M. Sc. (Agriculture) examination 1998 National Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi;Fellowship for Doctoral studies 1999 National Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi;Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and National Eligibility Test (NET) qualified 2000 National Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, India; National Eligibility Test (NET) qualified 2001 National Indian Council of Agricultural Research, India